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Assistent at Kaunas university of Technology Department of Control technology. Supervisor of Electric drives laboratory. Laboratoriniu darbu aprasymai (S201 Laboratorija) . back to top of page
V. Gargasas1, A. Lipnickas, .
Types of rail flaws and methods for flaws detection, International Conference: Electrical and Control Technologies (ECT'2006), 2006, Kaunas, Lithuania: (ISBN 9955-25-054-2). pp.:235-240.
A. Lipnickas, V. Gargasas, .
FDI for air flow stabilization system, International Conference: Electrical and Control Technologies (ECT'2006), 2006, Kaunas, Lithuania: (ISBN 9955-25-054-2). pp.:482-487.
V. Kubilius, C. Ramonas, A. Lipnickas, .
Dynamic properties of the lab stand for tight band coiling (In lithuanian), International Conference: Electrical and Control Technologies (ECT'2006), 2006, Kaunas, Lithuania: (ISBN 9955-25-054-2). pp.:516-520.
A. Lipnickas, R. Jankauskaite,
V. Žukauskas, V. Kubilius, .
Laboratory stand for Air flow stabilization , International Conference: Mechatronic Systems and Materials
MSM 2005, 20-23 october 2005, Vilnius, Lithuania: (Abstracts book ISBN 9986-05-900-3). pp.:46-47.
A.Lipnickas, V.Macerauskas, V.Kubilius, .
Evoliutionary learning in identification of fuzzy model of Air Flow supply system, IEEE Workshop on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications, 5-7 September 2005, Sofia, Bulgaria : (ISBN 0-7803-9446-1). pp.:101-107.
P.Cernys, V.Kepalas, V.Kubilius, A.Lipnickas, S.Marcinkevicius, R-K. Masteika, C.Ramonas.
ELECTRIC DRIVES. Laboratory works. (Students handbook in Lithuanian), Kaunas Technologija 2005, (ISBN 9955-09-907-0).
A.Lipnickas, C. Bocaniala.
A new Fuzzy b-NN classifier. Performance analysis, 8th International conference
on Pattern Recognition and Information processing (PRIP'05), 2005, May 18-20, Minsk, Belarus (ISBN 985-6329-55-8).
R.Jankauskaitė¬ A.Lipnickas. Modelling of air flow stabilization system and indirect control, Proceedings of the International Conference "Automation and Control Technologies - 2005", Kaunas University of Technology,
Lithuania, 2005, pp:61-66, (ISBN 9955-09-864-3).
A.Lipnickas, J. Korbicz. Adaptive Selection of Neural Networks for a Committee Decision, International Scientific Journal of Computing , 2004, Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp. 23-30. ISSN 1727-6209
A.Lipnickas, J. Sa da Costa, C. Bocaniala. FDI based on two stage classifiers for fault diagnosis of valve actuators. Application to DAMADICS benchmark, 11th International Conference EPE-PEMC'2004 2 - 4 September 2004, Riga, Latvia, Proceedings Vol. 3 of 7. pp.: 147-153. ISBN 9984-32-034-0.
Presentation slides...
A. Verikas, M. Bacauskiene, A. Dosinas, V. Bartkevicius, A. Gelzinis, M. Vaitkunas and A. Lipnickas. Intelligent deflection yoke magnetic tuning, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Volume 15, Number 3, 2004, Pages 275-286.
V. Macerauskas, R. Masteika, A. Lipnickas, Modernization of electric drives laboratory at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) and new training potential, Symposium - Topical Problems of Education in the Field of Electrical and Power Engineering, Tallinn Technical University, January, 19 - 24, 2004, pp.: 22-25.
Presentation slides...
A.Lipnickas, J.Korbicz, Adaptive selection of neural networks for a committee decision, IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems (IDAACS'03): Technology and Application,
8-10 September 2003, Lviv, Ukraine, pp.: 109-114.
A.Lipnickas, J.Korbicz, EVOLUTIONARY LEARNING IN IDENTIFICATION OF FUZZY MODELS: APPLICATION TO DAMADICS BENCHMARK, Diagnostics of industrial processes (DPP'03), Wladyslawowo k/Gdanska, 15-17 september, 2003, pp
247-252. ISBN 83-918663-0-0
A. Verikas, M. Bacauskiene, A. Dosinas, V. Bartkevicius, A. Gelzinis, M. Vaitkunas and A. Lipnickas. An intelligent system for tuning magnetic field of a cathode ray tube deflection yoke ,Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume 16, Issue 3 , April 2003, Pages 161-164. ABSTRACT... A. Verikas, A. Lipnickas, K. Malmqvist, Selecting neural networks for a committee decision, International Journal of Neural Systems, 12(5), 2002, 351-362.
A. Verikas, A. Lipnickas, Fusing neural networks through space partitioning and fuzzy integration, Neural Processing Letters, 16(1), 2002, 53-65.
A. Verikas, A. Lipnickas, K. Malmqvist, Selecting neural networks for making a committee decision, J. R. Dorronsoro (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2415, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, 2002, 420-425.
A.Lipnickas. Classifiers Fusion with Data Dependent Aggregation Schemess. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Networks, Systems and Technologies, ICINASTe-2001, Minsk, Belarus, 2001, 147 -153.
ABSTRACT... A.Verikas, A. Lipnickas, K. Malmqvist, Fuzzy measures in Choquet integral based neural networks fusion. B. Chandrasekaran, M.D. Levine, C.H. Chen (eds) Recent Research Developments in Pattern Recognition, Transworld Research Network, vol. I, Part I, 2000:pp. 119-136.
A.Verikas, A. Lipnickas, K. Malmqvist, Fuzzy measures in neural networks fusion. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Neural Information Processing, ICONIP-2000, Taejon, Korea, 2000, 1152 -1157.
ABSTRACT... A.Verikas, A.Dosinas, M.Bacauskiene, V.Bartkevicius, A.Gelzinis, M.Vaitkunas, A.Lipnickas. Methods for Deflection Yokes Tuning. Information technology and control, Kaunas, Technologija, 2000, No. 2(15), 17 - 30.
ABSTRACT... A.Lipnickas. An Empirical Comparison of Two Sampling Techniques for Training Neural Network Committees. Information technology and control, Kaunas, Technologija, 2000, No. 2(15), 7 - 16.
ABSTRACT... A.Verikas, A.Lipnickas, K.Malmqvist, M.Bacauskiene, A.Gelzinis, Soft combination of neural classifiers: A comparative study, Pattern Recognition Letters, Volume 20, Issue 4, April 1999, pp.: 429-444
ABSTRACT... A.Lipnickas. Fuzzy Measures in Classifiers Fusion. Information technology and control, Kaunas, Technologija, 1999, No. 2(11), 16 - 22.
ABSTRACT... A.Verikas, A.Lipnickas. A Soft Combination of Neural Classifiers. Information technology and control, Kaunas, Technologija, 1998, No. 1(7), 12 ? 20.
A.Verikas, A.Lipnickas, K.Malmqvist, M.Bacauskiene, Soft fusion of neural classifiers, Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Information Processing, ICONIP'98, Kitakyushu, Japan, 1998, vol. 1, 195-198.
A.Verikas, M. Bacauskiene, A. Lipnickas, An Image Processing Technique for Determining Missing dots in Half Tone Multi-coloured Prints, Electronics and Electrical Engineering. - Kaunas: Technologija, 1998, Nr. 5(18).
R.Beniseviciute, A.Lipnickas, G.Sadauskas, G.Vaitkevicius. Strategy of CMOS IC Layout Topology Design and Verification , Electronics and Electrical Engineering. - Kaunas: Technologija, 1998. - No.1(14). - P.49-53.
I, Arunas Lipnickas was born in Kaunas 1974. I have university education, nationality - lithuanian.
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In 1980, I entered fiftieth Kaunas secondary school, which I graduated in 1992. In 1992 I entered Kaunas University of Technology, the faculty of Electrical Engineering and Control Systems, department of Applied Electronics, which I graduated in 1996 and gained the degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. In 1996, I started studying for the master degree at Kaunas University of Technology, faculty of Electrical Engineering and Control Systems. In 1997, I stayed for four months in Darmstadt University of Technology, Institute of Microelectronics System, where I proceeded my scientific research work. In 1998.06.26, I defended master thesis "Fuzzy-Neural Decision Making System" and graduated with honours gaining the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering at Kaunas University of Technology. Since 1998.09.01 I'm a Ph.D. student at Kaunas University of Technology. I joined the Neural Networks and Image Processing research group and I'm preparing my Ph.D. thesis in the field of Neural Networks and Pattern Recognition. In 1998, during the period 1998.10.28-1999.01.27, I joined the Centre for Imaging Science and Technologies at Halmstad University (Sweden).
Work place: Mechatronics Centre for
Studies and Research,
Kaunas University of Technology Student g. 48-111, LT-51367 Kaunas, Lithuania fax.: +37037-300291; GSM: +37062125784 E-mail: lipnick[eta]soften.ktu.lt |